Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jacob-bugath 9-11-14

Hey Mom,
               I had a so-so week, but I know that this one will get better according to my work. I have to be diligent because there are a lot of opportunities to let up and slack off. The Branch is doing great. There have been a few bapisms here, but the ative members have been lacking a lot in church. There are a few youth and children, but there would be a lot more if not for a couple less active members. We are working hard to help them, but we all have to choose for ourselves to do the right. 
   I´m completly comfortable with the language, even though my companion thinks it´s the funniest thing when I mess up. I think in Portuguese and English. I would like to continues with Portuguese, but I want to learn Spanish and maybe Italian. French and German would be next. I have thought about going to Harper for a semester or more and then going out to BYU. I really need to dig through the scholarships on top of the what I´m going to do. 
   My President is from Santa Catarina. He is of german descent and has a funny accent. His wife is irst or second japanese. They both speak english pretty well. My president is strict about the rules but he has a lot to deal with here on the mission because not everyone wants to keep the rules. He knows which battles he has to fight, since here in Brazil, a lot of people are learning how to live the gospel by the letter and spirit of the law. He has helped me a lot during the mission. He doesn´t write a lot of letters, but he is always very personal in the interviews and his trainings are inspiring. He has 3 kids that have all served missions and have married. 3 sons from what I remember.
   Thank you for everything and for always keeping me upto date on the family. I pray for you all everyday and I´ll see you soon.
Do you think that after I save up some money going straight to BYU would be better? 
Also what did you and Dad do after you returned from your missions? How did you prepare for life?

Dear Dad 9-11-14

Dear Dad,
               It´s going good. I´m going to stay another transfer with Elder Amado. I´ve learned that the way I´m going to survive, work hard and help my companion get better, is to forgive him, look for the best in him and always remind him of what´s right without commanding him. We do study together, but I really have to mak the study as spiritual as possible or he loses interest. He works hard in the field but forgets that he´s a missionary at home and in the houses of members. I´m now a District Leader, so some of the trainiings I´ll give will maybe help.
   The minimum wage is between 1 to 2 dollars. The average brazilian wage might be 5,000 dollars per year. This being the average some what lower class worker. The majority of Brasil would be around this. The rich, or mid class people live in the big cities and seem really richer then the people we teach here. But the States seem to be really rich too. I´ll be culture shocked again when I go home and have carpet and air conditioning. 
   The interesting thing here on the mission is that nothing that we gain is worth much, unless we work hard for it. Even the miracles that come, without our direct intervention, is a blessing because of our diligence. the Secret to misionary work is Work! as President Benson said. This video that I have found here on the mission has helped me keep going through this refining fire called the mission.

I love you. The your the best Dad.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

letter from jacob 7-23-2014

Dear Dad,
              Thanks a lot for the song. It reminded me of this one motto (below)  that I found. I´ll put a link on this email. On the mission at the end of the first year, I saw a lot of missionaries going home. Some worthily, others not. I thought of the mission as a race, where no one was trying to get first place but just trying to get to the end. It´s really different how I look at things on the mission now. The importance of it all. The triumph of people getting ahead and the devistation of those that fell. Here at the end part of the mission, I´m trying to look at my goal and how help others get there with me, rather then look behind at those falling. 
   Remembering all the time I´ve had with you and the rest of the family, I realize now how blessed my life has been. I realize how much I cherish you all. For me, most of the time I had to work through blood, sweat and tears to help those we taught get baptized. But at the moments where everything fell through and no one we were helping were progressing, God always sent that Elect child of God to brighten our day. I always feel that no effort we make is wasted, because the Lord will reward what we have done, through ways we sometimes don´t recognize. 
   The other sunday, the stake here really took notice of our Branch. They called an experianced member as a counciler, they called a new mission branch leader, and they have been helping out a lot more. Where the church is just starting out, the work is not as organized, so I was surprised to see some members really getting involved with taking care of God´s Kingdom. It really is great to be a part of the work. 
   I love you Dad. 
                        Elder Jacob Shepard
Happy BirthDay! People are like wine, they get better with age. Dad you are a boss.

The mission motto:
I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. the dye has been cast. I have stepped over the line.
The Decision has been made.


I won't look back. let up, slow down. or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, positions, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, recognized, praised, regarded or rewarded . I now live by Faith, lean on HIS presence, walk with patience. I am uplifted by prayer, and labor with power . My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven. My road is narrow, my way is is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, divided, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the advesary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ. I must go till he comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till he stops me. And when He returnes for His Own, He will have no problem recognizing me. My Banner will be clear. 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of GOD unto Salvation to ever one that believeth... " Romans 1:16.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

letter from Jacob 7-16-14

Dear Dad,
              How´s life going? Have you kicked your job´s butt yet? These hills here are kicking mine a bit. Our district is pretty diverse here. Our district leader had some problems with everyone because he came from a family very different from us. It got pretty bad for a week or two, but after we sat down and talked it over, whatever bitterness or contention we had is mostly gone. On the mission I think you learn how to work hard while your exhausted, spiritually, mentally and physically. I´ve learned how to plan better, help others who are different from me and I´ve learned about who I am as a child of God. I really love the work out here and I´m gratful for this chance to serve.
 The other day we were waiting for the Branch leadership to show up out fonrt at the church, when a man came up to us. His name is Jose Ribomar. His church wasn´t open for some reason, so he wanted to see how our church was. We talked to him about his life and how he had been going to church for 5 years, dedicating his life to following Jesus. Funnily enough, he had received a Book of Mormon from a friend of his. He has been reading it for a month, and he´s up to Jacob 2. Someone in his church had said that the Book was garbage and that he should throw it away. He said that it tesifies of Jesus Christ and was inspired of God. The Bible testified of it and he believes that it´s true. The Lord basically dropped an elect in our laps. We talked to him some more an d we found out that he wants to be baptized. Now, he is on date for the end of this month, and hopefully the Spirit will prepare him for what he needs to do. This was one of the experiances on my mission that increased my faith. 
   Thanks for all your support and love. I love you.
             Elder Jacob Shepard

Monday, July 7, 2014

To Martha 7-7-14

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Jacob Shepard <> wrote:
Hey Super Girl,
                      what´s shaken? I´ve been trying to eat more healthy here on the mission. Here, Lunch is that larger meal of the day, and the members pack on the food as if there were 8 missionaries instead of just 4 here. They eat Salads of lettuce without ranch or dressing so I didn´t eat it as much. But I´ve mixed it up with meat , if they have it and it come out delicious. Sometimes I feel like Sleep is not enough to rest me. I need to hybernate to feel completly rested. But pray, scripturee study and enjoying the little things in life has helped feel more calm and at peace.
   Your guy seems like a lot of people out there to do what needs to be done but without the right focus or the right way to do things. So, if he gets better, you´ll see. If not, don´t be afraid to drop kick him. Or lightly tell him that yu wantsome space right no to organize stuff. It´s up to you, modestly dressed Wonder Women.
   I only have 8 months on the mission and it is scary. Time has flown by and I feel as if I was sleeping the first year. Every 6 monhs you learn how to work better and you understand the importance more of this work. But I´ll do my best until the end, and make up for the weak moments with the rest of my life with the future family I´ll have. It´s awesome to hear from you and thanks for the Happy Birthday. I lit a match on top of a hostess cupcake Mom and Dad sent. And then I ate pizza. Victory!!!!!
I love and I hope that all you dreams come true. And on top of that cheesiness, thank you for your letters, emails and example. You have helped a lot in my life.
Sincerly, the Wayward Rambler,
                                               Elder Shepard

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Weekly Report of Elder Jacob Shepard 7-2-14

Dear Family and Friends,
                  It´s been a while since I´ve written one of these, but I´ve neglected my emails toeverybody. So, is an update for you guys. I am here in a town called Caxias. It´s a little town in the middle of the forest. It´s onlyabout 2 or less hours from Terezina, but it´s pretty separeted from the world. It´s pretty hilly here and it´s about 80 to 95 degrees everyday and it will only get hotter through the year. It´s funny, because these hills, heat and walking have done a lot to me. I´ve lost 50 pounds and I have the worst farmer´s tan you every saw.
   As a missionary,my purpose here is to teach people about Jesus Christ and how as he has done in the past, he has established his Church on the church again. The same organization of Prophets and Apostles is on the earth again. I talk with people about what they believe in and do, and I hsow how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change a persons life. It´s hard work because of the heat, the effort we do to help the person make good choices and how half the time, people don´t want anything to do with God. With our lives we decide what to do and what to follow. When a person does try to make life better, it can really happen, as I have made a lot of personal progress here in the Brasilian heat.
   Here are some pictures too of a crazy Jesus March witha lot of evangelical bands screaming on the streets. The other two are of me and two other missionaries in my zone, or group of missionaries. Write any questions you guys have and I´ll keep writing.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Birthday Boy Song. 6-4-14

Dear James,
                    Para bens pra você,  nesta data querida 
                    Muitos bencãos e felicidade
                     Para bens pra você
I don´tremember the rest butyoucan hear a better version on youtube about brazilian birthday songs. Also,you can´t hear me singing through this email.....
Anywho, You are a giant and My district loves your pictures Ihave. 
                                                   Much love Big guy,
                                                                              Elder Shepard
Dear Hannah,
                    You are the Woman! How are you? Your baby bumpmodel dance was funny on skype. It´s hot here in Brazil and only will get hotter. Sorry I´m writing a short letter, but I got to go. Tell about all the things!

Monday, April 14, 2014

To Martha 4-14-14

From: "Jacob Shepard" <>
Date: Apr 14, 2014 7:03 AM
To: "Martha Shepard"

So, If learned that eating a super good breakfast is important. Fruits, milk and oat stuff. Also, going to bed with stuff on your mind makes it hard for good sleep. It´s really recommended that we keep journals, to remember good stuff and get things off our chest. Then, that prayer when you sleep and wake up are the boosters for everything.
   Communication is the answer for wars and relationships. We have been teaching this couple that sell food at night, at a corner we always pass by when we go home. Juliana and Franciomar are really awesome because we have taught them about the Restoration, and even with their extremly busy work life, they have managed to read and pray. Franciomar prayed the night we taught him about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, and he said he felt something different. It´s great to actually to for the first time with the people I have tought, a family really looking for the truth.
   The other monday, we had to pick up a new missionary in the office and take him to our house. It took a long time and then we had to give the spiritual thought at a family home evening, so I had very little time to write a email to Mom. I was writing to everyone but then I lost track of time. So It wasn´t too much of a problem, but a set back in writing.
I love you. For cereal!
Elder Shepard
The Church is True, The Book of Mormon´s blue, Time passes fast and God loves you.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

Re: Jakey, your birthday is tomorrow!!​! 3-31-14

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Jacob Shepard <> wrote:
Ólas, Irmã! Como vai?
I´m a bit rushed at the moment but we´ll write better next time, o besty penny pal ever!
Thank You USA! Man, I´m can legally decide to not drink. Portugese is good, My companions have been great, and all have forced me to learb to be better. I still love the states, though I love the way that people will just talk to you on the streets.
O que um peixe faz?
Hoooo heee haaaaa huuuuu. Bad american missionary joke.
Speaking of dating I´m with an American utah man that likes numbers in the field. He doesn´t understand my jokes, but I still giggle to myself one in a while.
   Watch out for Seattle. There be Hipsters there! I love the work, and it´s great to see the blessings here. Miracles are happening.
Love Jacob.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Re: Elder Shepard 3-6-14

Sent: ‎3/‎6/‎2014 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: Elder Shepard

Hey, Dad. I´m doing great. I´m with Elder Cloud, who´s from Utah. We have been working hard and feeling the Spirit. He is somewhat absent minded, but I´ll try to get the few beams in my eye out before the motes in his. We have been having fun, though his sense of humor is different then mine. You have to enjoy the little things on the mission, because we really aren´t here to look for entertainment. Some missionaries only have fun and don´t work and others only work and don´t have fun. I´ve been trying to stay in the middle but everyonce in a wile I drift one side depending on my companion.
   There is this card game called magic the gathering that some Elders play. It´s pretty interesting, but to collect cards is a bit expensive and dificult. I´ll play when others invite me. Unfortunately, soccer has been forbidden here by the President because it was causing problems. We can play basketball or volleyball, but no one has anything else then soccerballs here. I have met anther Elder from Chicago, but I don´t remember where he´s from. I think Joliet. There are a lot of missionaries from Washington and Utah here.
   We get ready for the day at 6:30 and we study at 8 until 10:30. One hour for personal study, one hour for companionship study and 30 minutes for Language study. I usually stdy in English for the one hour then in Portuguese with my comnpanion, and during the day, I read the Bokk of mormon in Portuguese when we have time.
   I´m reading in Ether. I just finished up the wars with Mormon and read about the destruction of the Jaredites.It is stunning how many times the people can repent and then speedily forget the Lord. A lot of members have fallen away because of the hardness of others. It is really sad to see how people let the littlest of things knock down their faith, but as Helamn 5:12 says, if we build upon the foundation of Christ we will not fall.
   How is work going? Finally became the Boss there? There have been a lot of changes going around the world from what I hear. How is everything going at home?
Thanks for the email. It´s great to hear from you. I love you and hope the best.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Re: Elder Shepard 2-24-14

Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 11:22:50 AM
Subject: Re: Elder Shepard

Dear Mom and Dad,
                             That´s my district. Elder Mesquita went home and now I´m with the other American in my ditrict, Elder Cloud. This transfer he only changed bedrooms. A lot of people do, but a lot of people get the bus at the same time. We are allowed to track but we live by the airport that doesn´t really have any apartment complexes. I don´t have the calling to work online, but some secratariesat the mission office do. A lot of people don´t have computer access at home.
   I have gotten sick a few times, but that was only because of not thinking about what I ate. It´s great to hear about Trey talking about the mission. Brazil is one of the harder ones, living wise, but a lot of other missions are well stocked and have awesome apartments. I hope that they are doing great. It´s been a while since I´ve seen them.
   The other sunday I gave a talk about missionary work. I talked about what we have to share why we should share it and how we are going to do this work. There was a member that did a talk that was spotr of thrown at other people to judge but I felt the spirit as I talked. I really felt the Spirit tesifying of my words. I´m very happy to serve here on the mission. Thank you for all that you´ve done for me.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Dear Mom and Dad,
                            Thank you. I´ve been trying to get better in all aspects. At times, when we have a finished a task or when we have gotten better, we think all has been done. But we have to remeber we must do the same tomorrow, and add upon that little that we are doing. I have been working to master my thoughts and emotions, that I will not think bad of others, or of things not worthy of a missionary, and to keep always feelings of love and compassion. My teacher has progressed a lot, but something is always keeping him from going to church. We have found a new family that have accepted to be baptized on the first visit. Miracles are alive and well here on the mission. You can see them everyday. You just have to look. The man who bags your groceries or the person that lives across the street, is being prepared to receive the gospel. I could not deny this if I wanted too. Our willingness to open our mouth and sahre the gospel is a little miracle in the live of that person. Because they receive the chance of Eternal Life. We are the gate keepers of the Path of God. When we do our part, we open the door. Those that are looking for God will enter. But when we keep the gospel to ourselves, we shut the door. We close salvation to many that would have enjoyed the blessings of the true Church and they go wandering in the dark mists. It is wonderful to know that this duty is being magnified there as well as here in Brazil.
   I think it is a miracle that G-pa decided to be baptized before G-ma´s death. I´m so happy to know that he has taken on the work of God in the temple. ´When I get back, I think I´ll go the the temple at least once a month, if not more. Here it has been pouring. Yesterday, we got caught in the rain, but we decided to work still since we had an appointment still marked, and that family we taught accepted the challenge of baptism.
   I miss everyone a lot too. I think I´ll write an email to the ward. Thank you for your prays and love. A year has flown by and this one won´t stick around for long. I´ll do my best.
       Jacob xoxoxoxoxox(I supose I haven´t responded to all your little email hugs and kisses, here are a few)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Elder Shepard 2-10-14

Sent: ‎2/‎10/‎2014 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Elder Shepard

Dear Mom and Dad,
                                 Thank you. I know that God is on our side here in the mission.
Sila is very busy and he hasn´t had the chance yet. I think he wants to go, but has to plan and make sure nothing pops up to take him away on sunday. But he is doing wel and has felt that the plan of salvation and the doctrine of the church is true. We just have to help him know that the church was restored and that we have prophets today.
   That sounds pretty cold and a lot of snow. Here, it´s been raining pretty regularly. It leaves everything humid and still hot, though it´s cooler at night.
It´s cool to hear about Trey and Ashley. I hope they´re doing good. Here the activities with the youth are pretty big, but in this ward, they have been lacking on a few things for a while. Home teaching and the young men´s need a lot of help but it´s been going better then it was.
   I was born when you uys went to New York? Have you every been there in the first place? I think I remember a picture of you and Dad there. Man, Martha is really going places. I hope to get down to work and study once I get back. Although taxes and debt do seem pretty scary from a missionary standpoint. I´m trying to keep some stuff as a rememberance for everyone at home. I come back for Christmas with a present or two.
   Some missionaries were and also playing games on the cellphones. A lot of people have been transfered and many have had their cellphones taken away. The mission trainings lately have been about purifying yourself and following jesus Christ. We don´t do much other eat with some members and play card games. I miss everyone too. I hope everything is going great out there.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Email from Elder Shepard 2-2-14

Dear Mom and Dad,
                             Elder Mesquita is a member from the piri Piri ward. He is planning on going on a mission after this short time. My president wants him to get all his medical work done and his papers sent out before he leaves so he could be here for 6 weeks or more. He´s 20 years old and he looks like he´s 17. He reminds me a bit of Trey, minus the Fresh Prince haircut. He has a strong testimony but  has a bit of fear to talk to people about the gospel. So far this week I´ve been doing all the talking, but I´m trying to get him to open up. I want to do a lot of practices and teach him the lessons or discussions. He didn´t go to the MTC so he doesn´t know much about how all the Gospel connects. It will all work out, at least I know that.
   I love you very much too. So I´ve been thinking about things I might want and need here on the mission so I made a list. It could be for my Birthday or whenever you guys have the time. So here it is. 
Duck Tape is helpful
One or two nice pens( pens break and explode in shirt pockets too much here)
A tie( i now love ties)
Less important stuff such as:
M´M´s, Kit Kats, 100 Grand Bar, Tootsie Rolls, Andes, Granola Bars, Pop Tarts, Sweet Bay Ray´s Brabecue sauce, Beef Jerky
Any, all or a few of these items would be appreciated. I love all very much too. 
   It´s been between 80 and 110 around here. It´s rained alot too so i think it got down to 70 or 60 here. It felt really cold so I don´t know what I´ll do when I get back. 
   Recently we found a man named Sila. He is a history teacher and is very smart. He used to go to the Assebly of god church for 26 years, but 11 years back he said he lost his faith. So many people were doing bad stuff, at times in the name of God, and he didn´t see God defending the innocent or the reacting to the evil. He didn´t know if God really cared about us any more. This was one of the few people that I really felt like I could teach him about god and it would change his life. One of the elects of our Heavenly Father. We read parts of DC121 and 123 about our suffereing here, Alma 14, Moroni 7, Ether 12. All about faith in God and how miracles come afterwards. we explained how it all ahd a purpose and that God still loves us. He shed a tear or two and said he would reflect more on it later, but we felt the spirit very strongly. I am very happy to be serving here. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

Re: Happy New Year! 1-6-14

Subject: Re: Happy New Year!

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Jacob Shepard <> wrote:
Also that´s me wearing all the stuff you sent me...


Re: Happy New Year! 1-6-14

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Jacob Shepard <> wrote:

Re: Happy New Year! 1-6-14

Subject: Re: Happy New Year!

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Jacob Shepard <> wrote:


Email from Elder Shepard 1-6-14

Dear Mom and Dad,
                                This week was pretty good. We are working for the new standard of the mission. Because of Christmas and New Year, a lot of missionaries relaxed and thought a little more about home. We didn´t do as well as we could have but were are keeping our goals pretty well. We baptized a woman named Katharina. He has been dating a member and we taught a few times in the week. She then decided to be baptized and she is already firm in the church.
   So It turns out that I´m going to Terezina. The hottest place on the mission. Darn.(The warm season lasts from August 31 to November 15 with an average daily high temperature above 98°F. The hottest day of the year is October 8, with an average high of 99°F and low of 77°F.)
   The local leadership here are all working hard, but they have to learn how to work together. I had hoped to work more with them, but Elder Correia will do well here. We have worked really well together and I hoped to stay here a bit longer but I´ll serve where the Lord calls.
  I love you all
                     Elder Shepard