Monday, July 7, 2014

To Martha 7-7-14

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Jacob Shepard <> wrote:
Hey Super Girl,
                      what´s shaken? I´ve been trying to eat more healthy here on the mission. Here, Lunch is that larger meal of the day, and the members pack on the food as if there were 8 missionaries instead of just 4 here. They eat Salads of lettuce without ranch or dressing so I didn´t eat it as much. But I´ve mixed it up with meat , if they have it and it come out delicious. Sometimes I feel like Sleep is not enough to rest me. I need to hybernate to feel completly rested. But pray, scripturee study and enjoying the little things in life has helped feel more calm and at peace.
   Your guy seems like a lot of people out there to do what needs to be done but without the right focus or the right way to do things. So, if he gets better, you´ll see. If not, don´t be afraid to drop kick him. Or lightly tell him that yu wantsome space right no to organize stuff. It´s up to you, modestly dressed Wonder Women.
   I only have 8 months on the mission and it is scary. Time has flown by and I feel as if I was sleeping the first year. Every 6 monhs you learn how to work better and you understand the importance more of this work. But I´ll do my best until the end, and make up for the weak moments with the rest of my life with the future family I´ll have. It´s awesome to hear from you and thanks for the Happy Birthday. I lit a match on top of a hostess cupcake Mom and Dad sent. And then I ate pizza. Victory!!!!!
I love and I hope that all you dreams come true. And on top of that cheesiness, thank you for your letters, emails and example. You have helped a lot in my life.
Sincerly, the Wayward Rambler,
                                               Elder Shepard

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