Monday, April 14, 2014

To Martha 4-14-14

From: "Jacob Shepard" <>
Date: Apr 14, 2014 7:03 AM
To: "Martha Shepard"

So, If learned that eating a super good breakfast is important. Fruits, milk and oat stuff. Also, going to bed with stuff on your mind makes it hard for good sleep. It´s really recommended that we keep journals, to remember good stuff and get things off our chest. Then, that prayer when you sleep and wake up are the boosters for everything.
   Communication is the answer for wars and relationships. We have been teaching this couple that sell food at night, at a corner we always pass by when we go home. Juliana and Franciomar are really awesome because we have taught them about the Restoration, and even with their extremly busy work life, they have managed to read and pray. Franciomar prayed the night we taught him about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, and he said he felt something different. It´s great to actually to for the first time with the people I have tought, a family really looking for the truth.
   The other monday, we had to pick up a new missionary in the office and take him to our house. It took a long time and then we had to give the spiritual thought at a family home evening, so I had very little time to write a email to Mom. I was writing to everyone but then I lost track of time. So It wasn´t too much of a problem, but a set back in writing.
I love you. For cereal!
Elder Shepard
The Church is True, The Book of Mormon´s blue, Time passes fast and God loves you.


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