Dear Dad,
I love you too. The other day I saved a old Church manual about the Teachings of the Living Prophets. It talks about the importance of having a living ser, prophet and revelator in our days. It was written in 1983 and has many teachings of Boyd K.Packer, Elder Peterson, President Lee and Benson and Bruce R Mconkie(bad Spelling). Theyspoke of how the revelations of the current prophet Always change from the last. The principles are what stay the same, such as the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a story where a Catholic Priest attended Sacrament Meting and was disgusted at how we had changed the Lord´s Sacrment, how we didn´t use wine, when clearly Jesus used wine. Even in the Book of Mormon they used wine. But the thing is that what we do in these later days is what the Lord has commanded us, as his people did anciently. The Jews sacrficed lambs becuase they were told too. Jesus died on the cross because it was the will of his Father. We keep the commandments and act as we do because Jesus himself has commanded us too through a living prophet. Just as Adam didn´t receive the commandment to build a boat, Joseph Smith did not receive all the commandments we need in these latter days, making what President Monson and what he says very importante to our welfare. When God tells us to do something we must do it without out doubt or letting our opions of past revelations get in the way. Just as Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his sonin the similitude of Jesus, he was then commanded not to kill him. If we do not keep the current commandments and revelations, with the interpretations of the living prophet, we are at risk of losing the blessings of the Gospel. I know that we have a Prophet of God with us today and that he speaks with and for God. I testify that he will not lead us astray. Thank you Dad for all the help and support. ]
I love you,
After Lunch and cleaning the chapel for a baptism
The Gaspar Family.

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