Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Dear Mom,
                 I usually write at 10 or 11 in the morning. I don't get a lot of emails; but that is oaky. It´s funny how I just received your email an hour ago.
   That´s cool that Trey made it on the team. It seems like the effort he´s made for basketball has worked out for him. It´s funny how there are so many of the youth on missions now. I know I´m just twenty but I feel old. I think it´s because all the things that are going on. I really appreciate what bishops and Ward council members do. Here at the Branch, they sttill are working out the kinks, but these members are dedicated. The way that these members, with their Jobs and families, are still able to frun their organizations, is incredible.
   How is Brother Chappell? I Always liked going out to their house with Brother Waite. They´re one of the best families I know. How are Christopher, James and Elizabeth? Also, does Trey want to study before he goes or just work? I know that encourgement and love will help him decide to act.
   Here on the mission, a lot of Elders have problems with thier back and legs because they don´t stretch or exercise during the week. We try to strech every day since we relly just walk for hours everyday.
   It´s pretty rare in Parnaiba to have rain, but it does get really windy. I don´t think Brazil has too many tornadoes.
   The other day we were knocking doors and we found this 62 year old man named Bernardo. We talked with him on his doorstep and he really wanted to talk to us. He had been going to a church for a long time, but after a 31 year marriage, he divorced and his church didn´t want him any more. He´s been alone and said that he was all alone and didn´t feel God in his house anymore. We taught him about God´s love for him and about the Restoration of the Gospel. We came back and he already had been Reading and he was happy for the chance to change his life. I think that he´ll like the church.
   The District here started a choir here, but since it´s in another Ward we can´t participate. I love honey also. I´m sorry you forgot to put "you." Thank you for the eamil I love you too.
Love Jacob.

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