Monday, June 3, 2013

2nd Weekly Report of Elder Shepard

Hello Everybody!
Thank you for being supportive and it´s great to have you as my relatives. I wouldn´t want anyone else in the world.
Things have been going a little crazy the week before. My companion, the other elder I´m paired to work with, was sick for a whole week with a stomach flu. Since we can´t be alone, I was basically under house arrest. I got through a lot of my studies and cleaned my apartment. So at least something good came of it.
This last week was a lot better, though it was a lot harder and rewarding. We used to be just one set of missionaries working in Camocim, but now we are lucky enough to get another. Camocim is a city big enough to make hard for just two people together to walk around in. Now our area is split in two. All of our hard work and people we have been regularly talking to has gone to the two new Brazilians. We are working to find people that would be interested so we have been walking non-stop for a week without much rest. Here in this city, most of the roads aren´t well put together, since they're basically a ton of hand-sized rocks pounded into the ground. My feet are still killing me.´s been worth it.
We´ve found a lot of people who want to hear more and think that what we´re doing is good, instead of calling us antichrists and telling us to leave. Just kidding. Mostly. Brazil is a very religious country and most people think they just need to pick a church that sounds good. I know that Elder Morris, my companion, and I are doing our best to be the best examples and helping them see the benefit of our message.
I love the time I´ve already been here and I don't think they´ll send me anywhere else soon. It´s one of the nicer places because it´s been windy, so the heat isn´t as bad. I´ve already been here 3 months and time is flying by.
I hope everyone is doing well and that you all are happy.
All of my love and wishes,

Elder Shepard

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