Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekly Report of Elder Shepard 7/22/13

Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 8:29 AM

Dear Everybody,
                        How is everyone? It´s been a couple of weeks since I´ve written one of these but things have been going great here. Camocim is a town that gets by mostly by it´s fishing industry.  It´s on the coast and is pretty beautiful. As missionaries we tend to walk around a lot, talkin to a lot of people and going from one end of the town to the other. Snce we walk everywhere, we get a lot of chances to see the beach from the side walk and the ocean. I´m still working on my camera situation  get pictures for everyone but it´s pretty awesome here. Some weeks back there were some protests during the World Cup with Brazil, since a lot of people want better things then just stadiums and soccer teams, but Camocim was mostly untouched. A lot of people talk about how a lot of Brasil needs to change but most think that Camocim is a great place. There´s not much to do here but it´s a nice place to be.
   While we serve down here in Brasil, we find people to teach and those that want to learn more about God  and Jesus Christ. Being in Brasil, most people are religious and there are various churches here, Many have conflicting beliefs and tend to fight and argue about what´s really true. Some go door to door saying people will burn in hell unless they do what the other people want. So, quite a few are tired of the craziness. When we talk to people, we like to converse and invite people to learn more. Several are pretty receptive since it´s different then the usual bible bashing. What we t to teach are things that will improve there lives and have them act on what they believe.
   Lately, we´ve been taking to a lot of younger guys that have done military exercises that is mandatory for one year. Most know each other and are pretty good people. The youth in Brazil have a lot of challenges to cover. Drugs, alcohol, and general pleasure seeking destroys the lives of many and lead others to broken families and children with out parents. Luckily these guys have grown up with good parents and chose to do better things. One of them is called Antonio Rodrigues. He practices Jiu Jitsu and is studying in college. He doesn´have a goal in mind right now but he´s doing good. He has always been interested in God but hes run into a lot of hypocrites before. We´ve been teaching him for about a month or so, and he´s decide to get baptized this Saturday. With him it´s been really great to see some understand what we are saying(doctrine wise, not Portuguese) and decide to act on it.
   Another interesting thing that happened is that while we were in the hospital, we met this one guy. I was a little sick and we were there for some medicine. We talked with him or a while as we waited in line for the doctor. He seemed nice enough and said he´s visit the church one day. After we got in and were waiting in an examination room,he came an asked to borrow our cell. As missionaries, we share one to call people and emergencies. He took it and called and said he´d be back.  was sick so we didn´t think much of it. But after a while he didn´t come back ad we were left twiddling our thumbs thinking we were pretty dumb. So lately we´ve been walking a lot more to go to people´s houses to confirm appointments and stuff like that. Yo learn something every day on the mission, whether it´s about God, yourself or whether or not you should watch some people more closely.
   Well that´s all he time I have, but there will be more to come every week. Send me any questions you have or anything you ant to say that´s been going on with you.
Love, Sincerely,
                     Elder Jacob Allen Shepard

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